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Custom Bumper Stickers Printing for Cars

Posted on 30th December, by Quan Luu in Printing. Comments Off on Custom Bumper Stickers Printing for Cars

Custom Bumper Stickers for Cars

The moment we hear the term ‘’Bumper Stickers’’ the first question which comes to our mind is, ‘’Who uses these bumper stickers?’’ Well if you are a small business owner trying to market your products or services and want the customer to remember about them once they are home, bumper stickers are what you should be looking for. Kids will paste the stickers on cupboards and doors, even if the parents don’t allow pasting them on the car. It will remind the satisfied buyers about your products or services all the time.

Custom Bumper Stickers Printing

Benefits of using Custom Bumper Stickers

Strong Permanent Adhesive

  • In today’s world when nothing is long lasting, talking about something like strong permanent adhesive feels a little awkward, right? Well that’s not the case with our bumper stickers for cars. We use very good quality adhesive and several car washes will not erode your advertisement.
  • If you are a politician and campaigning for the elections, distributing political bumper stickers to the supporters in your constituency might be a good idea. Others who are not supporting your party might be curious and will do some internet search to find about your details. Who knows, those custom bumper stickers might turn into vote banks too.
  • More Effective than Brochures

  • Survey shows that custom bumper stickers have 15% more chances of getting business than brochures. People read the brochures and tend to throw them in the dustbin; however, that is not the case with car stickers printing.
  • When any customer purchases a product, just handover bumper stickers for cars to them along with the merchandise they bought or the services they opted for. 27% of the customers end up sticking it on their cars if it has a catchy picture or tagline.
  • These small bumper stickers for cars will do the advertisement for you and other potential customers might take a feedback from your client. There is no fear of negative word of mouth because if a customer is not happy with your product or services, then s/he will never paste the sticker on his/ her car. However if you have provided them a wonderful experience, sticker will do wonders for your business.
  • How to place an order for Custom Bumper Stickers?

    Custom Bumper Stickers Printing

    Custom Bumper Stickers Printing

    Placing an order for different types of bumper stickers via our website is simple. Give a call to our customer contact centre at (832)59-URBAN and ask for bumper sticker quotes. Or use our online designer studio and place an order for custom bumper stickers. You may either wish to upload your own design or choose from thousands of template designs by using ‘’custom-design feature’’.

    Choose from among many bumper sticker sizes along with quality and color before making the payment. We provide free shipping across the US. Car stickers printing couldn’t have been simpler? Could they?

    Now since you have decided to place an order for bumper stickers, you can also browse through our catalogue and check variety of marketing products like suede business cards, post cards, flyers or use our web development or domain and web hosting services to give a boost to your business this New Year.

    [Order Bumper Sticker Decals Today!]



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