Category: Services
Custom Logo Design are Branding Companies to Stand Out
22nd December
Be unique with Custom Logo Design
Are you looking for a company logo to put on your letterhead? Design companies like ours can help you develop a stronger brand presence by giving you a custom logo design.
Here’s where we stand out from a small branding company: we’ve provided over 3,000 companies with logo designs. While a one-person shop may give you customer service, and a good price, they don’t have the experience with custom logo design that we do. Will they give you up to 8 custom logo design ideas? Personal service?
When we create your company logo, we give you a certificate of ownership and a high resolution copy of your company’s logo design. The old-fashioned branding companies license your company logo design to you and charge a fee every time you want to use your own …
What’s the Difference Between EDDM and Direct Mail? EDDM vs Direct Mail
23rd February
Difference Between EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) and Direct Mail – The primary difference between EDDM and Classic Direct Mail is the audience that receives it. EDDM is more location based targeting, in that you choose particular USPS routes that mail carriers take, and hit every door via direct mail. This option is effective if you’re looking for an area targeted blast, especially if you have a storefront located in the vicinity of the area you choose. You can also select the zip codes to send the cards out in.
One of the main benefits for using EDDM is that it’s cheap in postage, and you can send it out to an entire area. That means maximum exposure to your brand, and its term in the industry is referred to as “saturation mail”. EDDM is also far easier to put into …
Create a Logo – What Should You Consider?
19th February
What should you consider before you Create a Logo?
The goal of a logo is to provide potential customers and business partners with a visual representation of your branding. You want a logo designer that can create a Logo that is eye-catching, unique, and unforgettable. In order to accomplish all of this and make sure your logo sends the right message, there are a lot of factors you have to consider.
Who Are You Speaking To?
You need to stop and think about who the logo design is intended to be for. Who are you trying to get your message across to? You want your logo branding to be specific to the intended target audience. This can be hard to do if you are not sure who your target audience is. You also do not want to waste your time designing a logo …